Hi all! I know it’s been a while. I took some time off from this space because blogging about desserts and parties just didn’t feel right for me personally with everything else that has been going on in America. The thought of celebrating or creating something felt forced with the overwhelming feelings of sadness/anger/disappointment/frustration/bewilderment/etc. that I was experiencing. I’ve been able to process my feelings a bit, and I’m finally feeling a little spark of creativity coming back. I’m hoping that this spark will push me to continue to create more in the coming days and weeks, because it feels good to be able to put my focus and head into something else for a portion of the day. And let’s face it, taking the time to do something that you enjoy is probably more important than ever these days!
One joyous, very hopeful day I did have recently was a little over a week ago when I attended the Women’s March in Washington DC. What a momentous, uplifting and powerful day of solidarity that was! And that moment was just the start of this movement! While thinking of a sign to make for the march, I ended up testing one of my ideas out on a cake before I left LA, and since it’s a cake, I thought I’d share it here along with some pics from the march.
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February 1, 2017 at 6:28 amLove this. Thank you.