Floral Crowns
A while back I was asked to contribute one of my DIY projects for a floral-inspired book that was going to be released by Sandu. I sent over my paper flower crown DIY to the publisher almost a year ago and today I received my physical copy of the book in the mail. What made me most excited about receiving the book was getting to see my work alongside so many amazing female creatives – all of whom I deeply admire. I feel so honored…it really means so much to have been included. The book is gorgeous and these fellow ladies are just so talented and amazing.
If you’re curious about the Paper Flower Crown DIY, you can find the original post on my blog HERE. And with all that said, I’d love to put out my own book one day and if I ever do, I promise it’ll be new projects that haven’t already popped up in your Pinterest feed…because if it’s projects you could find online, why buy the book, amiriight?! (PS – Ready whenever you are, fancy publisher!)