christmas, etc, holidays

APW Insta Takeover + Link Love

Hi all – Happy Friday! I just wanted to let you know I’ll be taking over the A Practical Wedding IG account this weekend. So for some extra desserts and DIYs in your feed, follow along with @apracticalwedding on Instagram! It’s gonna be fun!!

Christmas Tree

On top of all that internet biznass this weekend, I’m currently finishing up a couple cakes for tomorrow night, as we’re having a little get together with some friends. We’ve turned it into a tradition and our friends always come over with high expectations. Problem is I’ve had little to no time to prepare for this one, so it won’t be anything crazy. Sorry, friends! But all that matters is celebrating and being cheerful with the ones you love, right?! Even if you can’t have 6 cakes and some crazy over-the-top decor to entertain them with. This will be the 7th annual holiday get together my boyfriend and I have hosted, which is so crazy to think about! And speaking of the holidays, here’s a little linkage for you to peruse this holiday-filled weekend!
