I wanted to make my friend a “Friday Night Lights” themed cake for her birthday because we share a love for the show…and for Tim Riggins (#noshame). However, I wasn’t too ...
There were a few big cake orders on my plate this past week. One of the orders was for this Starship Enterprise cake for a lucky trekkie’s birthday celebration. The U.S.S. Enterprise was ...
I promise this will be the last time I bring up naked cakes (at least for a while), as the 2014 NY wedding season is now coming to a close. But before we head into the holidays, I wanted to ...
This past weekend I made naked cakes for a Brooklyn wedding. The bride and groom had requested the cakes to look like a previous set I had made, so that’s exactly what I did. Two smaller ...
While on the topic of yesterday’s ice cream post, I thought it’d be a good time to post these photos of a giant peach cake I made. Because what goes with some vanilla ice cream?! A ...