Alana Jones-Mann – Page 138

Alana Jones-Mann

decor, diy projects, fall, holidays

DIY: Fall Windows

Last week I found myself in Central Park in total awe of the beautiful autumnal hues all around me. I mean, seriously NYC? Why are you so perfect!? Just look at these photos below. While I was in the park, I decided I was going to need to display some of the beautiful fall colors in my apartment and collected some leaves that had fallen off the trees.  Once at home, I opted to display them on the windows in my apartment so that they’d be clearly visible and viewable from both the  ...

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monday motivation

Monday Motivation

[my inspiration and motivation for this monday] 1: Merijn Hos and Renee Reijnders “Bubblegum” installation. 2010, Netherlands. See more from the very talented Merijn Hos. 2: Horizontal image of Peter Combe’s paper installation. He is a paper God….just look at it! Peter Combe’s Flickr. 3: Rob and Nick Carter’s Explosions of Color. DesignBoom.

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birthday party, cakes

Baked: Retro Inspired 50th Birthday Cake

Long story short: Almost 7 years ago I moved to NYC. I scored an amazing internship at Maloney & Fox and had the honor of getting to work for / with an amazing woman named Margie Fox. Margie is unlike any other woman in New York City. She is such an inspiration to me and has always shown me so much support. So, when her 50th birthday party came around a couple weeks ago, I decided to bake her something sweet. Turns out her and her mother, Dorothy, have the same birthday, and that  ...

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